Tuesday, September 23, 2008


This past weekend, Jared and I went to the Bodyworlds exhibit at The Leonardo museum. For those of you who don't know what this Bodyworlds is, let me explain it to you... Bodyworlds is an exhibit that displays actual human bodies and body parts for all to see. The bodies and other such items are preserved by a process called plastination. Essentially, plastination is a process where the tissues of a body are filled with a plastic type material, and in turn, the bodies are preserved and last for a looooong time. Jared was kinda nervous to go, he was afraid it would make him queazy, but we were both surprised at how interesting it was-and not gross. The bodies actually look like plastic, so I had to remind myself a few times that they were actual humans. It was really neat to see how our bodies really look and work, and I found it to be a very exciting and fun outing. The exhibit lasts until January, and I highly recommend it!


Connie and Jimbob said...

Cass, two posts in two days! You are catchin the blogger bug. I want to go to bodyworlds too. There is a coupon for 2 dollars off in the ads today, by the way.

Brandy J. said...

I wanted to go before, but after talking to you on Sunday I really want to go. Cute shirt by the way! ~Brandy

Anonymous said...

$2 wont do much, but it is a start. Cass sure has got the blogger bug, and I think it is cute! -Jared

Anonymous said...

Jared said that you are trying to come up with a name for your blog. I think you should have a contest and have people help you come up with a name! What do you think!!!!!

Mark and Kimmi said...

Hey guys! Good to "see" you! And welcome to the blogging world. I am hoping Mark and I can go to Body world while we are in SLC. I would really love to go. We tried to go while in Australia, but missed it. Here's to second chances!

leesa said...

Hi Cass, I love your blog! I'm exited to see what you'll do cuz yer so artsie-fartsie. Love ya!